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“Shock Collar” Controversy
We commonly hear about stories of dogs that have been improperly trained with remote training collars, shock collars if you will. One...

Common Puppy Behavior Problems
Bringing home a new puppy can be a very exciting and joyful experience for the whole family. Puppies provide companionship and love. They...

The Importance of Timing in Dog Training
How fast is 1.3 seconds? It’s probably about as fast as you just read that sentence. Fast enough for you to put your car into drive? Fast...

Training Collar use for Unwanted Behaviors
An overwhelming amount of barking that is going on with your dog can be a result of several things. In a lot of these cases we see that...

Types of Dog Training
Dog owners have many choices to make: if they will rescue their pet or buy from a breeder, what color collar to get, what type of food is...

Service Dog Training
We are very happy to expose our behind the scenes version of our training with Dreyfuss. While he is an amazing story, he is one of many....
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